
Zombiesmith |

The Brothers White |
Sold - Zombiesmith |

Hareruman The White, wizard's familiar |
Sold - Black Hat, 2nd Place Superhero Sculpt Comp |

Golden Oldie, the un-retired superhero |
My 1st Miniature Ever |

Necromancer |
This is my 1st attempt at using "greenstuff" putty for sculpting. I decided to try
something simple so I chose a robed necromancer.
Works in Progress
For sale |

Giant Flamingo |
Work In Progress |

20mm Dwarf Dolly |





Frozen Planet Castings |

Dark Minion |
Frozen Planet Castings |

Wererat |
Sold to Pole Bitwy (miniature company) |

Demon |
Sold to Pole Bitwy (miniature company) |

Large Creeper Bug |
Sold to Pole Bitwy (miniature company) |

Small Creeper Bug - 8mm tall by 15mm long |
Sold - DGUSA |

Busty Druidess |
Sold - DGUSA |

Escaped Slave Girl |
Wargames Supply Dump |

20mm horse blank |
Sold - Wargames Supply Dump |

20mm Wood Elves |
Sold to Wargames Supply Dump |

Sea Troll |
Wargames Supply Dump |

20mm Wood Elves conversions |
Sold - Wargames Supply Dump |

Giant Wasp |
Giant Wasp casting |

Wargames Supply Dump |





Beaumont Miniatures |

Elvis Twinkie |
Sold - Beaumont Miniatures |

1st Place in Royal Court Category - Ogre Queen |
Sold - Beaumont Miniatures |

Ogre Battle Queen conversion |
"Asylum" Sculpting Contest 1st Place - Sold |

Norville and Buster (to Beaumont Miniatures) |
2006 "Asylum" Contest |

The Lurker of Ashe Lake |
Beaumont Miniatures |

Peeslag - Evil Paladin |
Sold - Beaumont Miniatures |

Dwarf, Gong Farmer |
Sold - Beaumont Miniatures |

Comical Ghost |
Sold - Beaumont Miniatures |

Cowering Tavern Guest |
Sold - Ginfritter's Gnomish Workshop |

Zombie Set B |
Sold - Ginfritters Gnomish Workshop |

Zombie Set A |
Sold - Ginfritter's Gnomish Workshop |

Pirate Zombie |
Sold - Ginfritter's Gnomish Workshop |

Gnorbert, the Gnaughty Gnome |
Sold - Ginfritter's Gnomish Workshop |

Paddy O'Furniture, The Beligerent Leprechaun |
Sold - Ginfritters Gnomish Workshop |

Hoplite dwarf |
Sold - Ginfritter's Gnomish Workshop |

Ape Pirate with detachable arm 32mm |
Sold - Ginfritter's Gnomish Workshop |

Baby dragon 10mm tall |
Sold - Ginfritter's Gnomish Workshop |

Gnomes - 11 mm |

